School counselors are trained in both education and counseling, allowing them to collaborate between parents, teachers, and students in matters concerning the student’s goals, abilities and any areas needing improvement. High school counselors enhance the learning process and promote academic, career and social/emotional development. High school counseling programs are essential for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set informed career goals and realize their full academic potential to become productive, contributing members of the world community. School counselors provide the following services:
- Individual and small group counseling (short term interventions)
- Crisis intervention counseling
- Conflict resolution and peer facilitation
- Consultation/collaboration
- Referrals to outside services (including mental and physical health)
- Student Advocacy
- Advocate for individual students

YCHS Counseling Office (530) 674-4900
YCHS Counseling Office (530) 674-4900
YCHS Counseling Office (530) 674-4900
William Grimaldiwgrimaldi@ycusd.orgExt. 31125Last Names: A-Ch |
Dianna Vlahosdvlahos@ycusd.orgExt. 31124Last Names: Ci-Gol |
Patty Gatespgates@ycusd.orgExt. 31126Last Names: Gom-Kn |
Teresa Russelltrussell@ycusd.orgExt. 31121Last Names: Ko-Ore |
Victoria Abrilvabril@ycusd.orgExt. 31122Last Names: Orf-Sa |
Amy Olchefskeaolchefske@ycusd.orgExt. 31123Last Names: Sb-Z |
School PsychologistAnjalee ext. 31119 |

Meet the YCHS Counselors
YCHS has 6 Amazing Counselors. Click the button below to learn more about each one of them. Also, sign up for your counselor's Google Classroom to be up-to-date with information and upcoming events.

Need to Schedule an Appointment with your Counselor?
Please click the link below and fill out the form. Please anticipate it to take 1-2 school days to be contacted by your counselor. If it's an emergency/crisis, please call 911.